My master was going on a long trip
he put me in charge before he left
He said to me; “give my children food at the proper time.”
Yes master. I said
When will you be back sir? I asked.
It is not for you to know… only do as I have instructed. And he left.
My master had many children!
How did he think me worthy to handle his household?
Days turned to months and months to many many years and my master had not returned!
Each time we communicated, he would ask; “how are my children?”
I remember some nights I would stay up waiting for his sons to be back home,
And days I would cater to any of them who was ill… I would not sleep until they recovered.
I always reminded them that their Father will soon be home.
I would read out his letters… how they loved to hear their Father’s words to them!
Many times I had thought to discontinue
I didn’t think I could go on
Then I’ll remember my master’s instruction and how I had said “YES”
I’d say to myself ; ‘If my master put me in charge, then he believes in me.’
One day, I set off to travel to the far east
I wanted to spend time with a few friends I hadn’t seen in years…
I will be back in a few days… I reckoned.
I put the house in order and just as I turned to leave, there was my master standing at the door!
Master! I fell to my knees
You didn’t tell me you’d be back today!
Racing back and forth, I immediately called out to his children, gathered them together… “your father is back!” I cried out.
They ran to meet him, hugging, screaming and crying!
My master turned to me and said; “faithful and wise servant… you have kept my house, I put you in charge of all I own.”
I fell at his feet weeping….
May the Lord find you doing and ready when he returns… AMEN.

8 thoughts on “I SAID YES

  1. This is such a beautiful post. So encouraging. We must all persevere and work diligently and faithfully as we wait for The Master’s return. He is coming back. Very soon. Very soon.

    Thank you Lord, for the grace to run this race.

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